Send and Inclusion
Special Educational Needs Local Offer
Trafford’s local offer makes it easier for families to find out about the support that is available for children and young people with SEN or who are Disabled. All schools and academies in Trafford are expected to identify and support pupils with special educational needs to make the best possible progress. Trafford supports school's to be as inclusive as possible and wherever possible, the needs of pupils with a Special Educational Need are met in a mainstream setting, where families want this to happen. Trafford’s Graduated Approach document provides guidance on what should usually be available within school’s resources.
Who can I contact for further information?
Mrs Drayton – Headteacher
Mrs Smith– SENCO
Mrs Prole – Deputy Head.
What other support is available?
Find out more about the local offer of support which is available for disabled children and young people and those who have SEN on the or by contacting the Family Information Service: