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The role of the governing body is to ensure that everything within the school is conducted with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. The governing body works very closely with Mrs Drayton and her senior leadership team and it focus is primarily in the following three areas,

  • Ensuring that the school has clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governor Values

Mr Paul Middleton- Chair of Governors- Foundation Governor

29th April 2022- 26th April 2026

I moved to university in Manchester and have lived locally since marrying in 1976. I began attending St Michael’s Church and both our sons were baptised there. Over the years, my church commitment grew and during my time as a communicant at St Michaels I have had many roles leading to that of Church Warden and Emmaus Course leader. More recently, my focus has been on that of school Governor and in practically supporting Church events (the cake stall at church fairs must not be missed!)

I became involved with St Michaels School when I was appointed as a Foundation Governor by St Michaels PCC (church council). Education of young children has always been part of my life. My teaching career began in 1975 when I was appointed as Trafford's first male Key Stage 1 teacher. Subsequently, I worked in several Trafford and Manchester Schools and over the years taught in every year group as well as having roles in senior management. I had always wanted to be a teacher from being a young teenager and found my career extremely rewarding.

I am now retired and spend some of my time, amongst other things, looking after 5 grandchildren. Woodturning, DIY, and camper-van breaks fill up much of my ‘spare’ time.

My aim as Chair of Governors is to ensure that every child and adult in the school flourishes within a caring atmosphere based on Christian values. I am looking forward to the years ahead working with a dedicated Governing Body and the committed Headteacher and staff of St Michael’s school.

No direct business interest.

Mr Aurelian Popescu- Vice Chair - Parent Governor

30th Apr 21- 29 Apr 25

I am a  father of 3 – Natalia (13), Eva (7) and Victor (5), the youngest two currently at St. Michael’s.

My background is in education management, having managed international language schools and post-16 training providers in the UK and New Zealand for over 15 years. Post pandemic, I made a career change, managing my own interpreting and translation business, whilst studying part-time for a degree in Computing and IT.

I have been a parent governor since April 2021 and have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the St. Michael’s CoE community.

No direct business interest.

Reverend Caroline Bailey  - Foundation Governor

8th Jan 2023- 7th Jan 27

I am currently curate at St Michael's Church Flixton and I also work part time as teacher of English.

I am delighted to be training at St Michael’s Church and want to support the link between school and church.  I am married with two children, one of whom is profoundly disabled, the experience of which has been a big part of my spiritual journey.  I like reading, films and swimming and talking to all different kinds of people.

No direct business interest.

Pip Williamson – Foundation Governor

18th Nov 21 - 17 Nov 25

I have been a Foundation Governor at St Michael's since 2017, and I am currently Chair of the Finance Committee. I have a long history with St. Michael's, with my three children attending between 1987 and 2005, so I have seen many changes since that time and had the privilege of dealing with some amazing teachers. My children are all grown up now, and I have three grandsons and a granddaughter who I love to bits - my youngest grandson Rupert started in the nursery in September, so we have gone full circle! 

Professionally, I am a qualified Accountant and have had a long career working at a senior level in the not-for-profit sector - charity, housing, leisure and education. My last senior role was Finance Director, working for a Multi Academy Trust where I was responsible for the budgets and financial management of a number of schools in Knowsley and Wigan and, latterly, in North Manchester. Having taken the decision to step back from full-time work earlier this year, I am now working in a part-time Finance role at Manchester's iconic Victoria Baths, and I am enjoying this new challenge.

In my "spare" time, I am a very busy grandma, and I enjoy walking, a bit of running (!) and reformer pilates, and I am a member of Flixton Community Choir. I consider myself so blessed to live in Flixton and to be part of such a warm, supportive community and it is a great honour to be able to support the Head and her amazing team to be able to deliver the very best experiences and outcomes for our children and young people. 

No direct business interest.

Reverend Huw Thomas - Foundation Governor

1st September 2016

I started my working life as an inner city youth worker in Wythenshawe.  After a number of years wrestling with my calling, I eventually started my training to become a priest by attending Queen's Theological College in Birmingham. 
I started MY theological life working in Salford before coming to serve St Michael's Church, Flixton.  I love to help other people and this is demonstrated by the continuance of my work as a Chaplain at HMP Manchester.   

I have a son, Billy, who attends secondary school but did attend St Michael's School.  Sadly, my wife Natalie died shortly after my induction as the priest in charge at St Michael's Church.  A massive football fan, particularly of Manchester United, I also play golf regularly and am an amateur DJ.

No direct business interest.

Sarah Worth - Foundation Governor

12th Sept 23 - 11th Sept 27

I have been a resident of Trafford most of my life, except for travelling, as well as living and working in Australia in 2014/2015.

I have been part of a Pentecostal church for many years, although upon our marriage my husband and I made the commitment to join St Michael’s church community. I became involved with St Michael’s school as a foundation Governor in 2019. Additionally, my eldest son joined the school nursery in September 2020, followed by his brother in 2023, with my twin boys joining in January 2025 (quite the crew!)

As a qualified Social Worker with over 20 years’ experience predominantly in Child protection services and Leadership, I have always had a keen interest in children and families. I have been involved in several exciting projects across different service areas, including Mental Health, Child Protection, Early help and, latterly, Adoption services. Furthermore, my hardest role to date was when I volunteered in a Uganda orphanage in 2013 for over a month, looking after a room of babies daily! I also supported the setup of life-story work to help the children gain an understanding of their story and where it started; an integral part in building their identity.

My passion lies with keeping children safe, whilst supporting families, children and young people to have a voice where there is potential for oppression, marginalisation and a power imbalance. I thrive on building relationships and taking a restorative practice approach.

My aim as a Foundation Governor is to ensure that every child, family and adult in the school has an opportunity to learn about Christian values. Importantly, I am passionate about serving the community. I am looking forward to continuing my commitment to our new Headteacher and all the staff at St Michael’s school.

No direct business interest.

Stuart Durber - Foundation Governor

8th Jan 23 - 7th Jan 27

Hello! I'm Stuart, and I'm a Foundation Governor, appointed by St Michael's Church to the governing body. As well as being a foundation governor, I'm also a parent of two children in the school: Isaac in year 5 and Miriam in year 1.

In church, I'm what is known as a Lay Reader, which basically means I have a licence from the Bishop of Manchester to be able to preach and lead worship. You might have seen me leading one of our monthly intergenerational Orchard services at the church?

Outside of church/school life, I work as an IT manager in the telecommunications industry. I'm a big fan of tech and gadgets, and one of my hobbies is smart home technology.

Do feel free to stop me for a chat if you see me out and about; sometimes on the school run, or maybe at Church or the Church Inn of an evening!  

No direct business interest.


Rebecca Carr - Foundation Governor

Nov 24 - Nov 28

No direct business interest. 

Sarah Eckersley - Parent Governor

Nov 24 - Nov 28

Nuala Forkan - Local Authority Governor

28th Mar 23 - 27 Mar 27

My name is Nuala Forkan, and I’m an Irish Mancunian and retired headteacher.

I was born in Altrincham and educated at Loreto Convent Grammar in Altrincham.

In the 80s, I went to live in London and study law at Queen Mary’s College, University of London. I went on to gain my teaching qualification from Kings' College University of Linton in the late eighties.

My teaching career, which lasted 34 years, began in Newham, London at St Angela’s convent - later I taught at Avigdor and Our lady & St Joseph in Hackney, where I became a Deputy headteacher in 1990.

In 2001, I moved back to Trafford and became a headteacher for a Manchester City council school called Ringway just near the airport. After 6 successful Ofsteds under my belt - I retired in 2021. I’ve really enjoyed becoming a governor of St Michaels in 2021, especially as I am a practising Christian.

Currently, I live in Hale and have one daughter, Emily, who is in her second year at university studying digital art and she is an amazing singer with her own band. I have a partner, Peter who, unfortunately, is still working-we all 3 - love our Manchester indie music, live gigs, travelling, eating out , festivals and MUFC. We are very proud Mancs - the best city in the world!

No direct business interest.

Emma Clarke- Tomlinson - Staff Governor

17th Mar 24 - 16 Mar 28