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The role of the governing body is to ensure that everything within the school is conducted with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. The governing body works very closely with Mrs Drayton and her senior leadership team and it focus is primarily in the following three areas,

  • Ensuring that the school has clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governor Values


  • Governors are committed to working in partnership with school staff, pupils, families and outside agencies to ensure the well-being and progress of pupils and staff


  • Governors are determined to provide a quality service to the school, the pupils and the families
  • Governors will be available to support the school and offer advice and critical challenge via meetings, telephone or email exchanges, school visits.


  • Governors will provide a professional contribution to the school using analytical thinking skills, positive challenge and robust procedures
  • Governors will contribute to the development of clear and precise policies to ensure the school is a safe, happy learning environment where pupils are appropriately challenged and can develop as individuals


  • Governors will ensure that each and every pupil receives the care and support they require to achieve their potential academically, socially and emotionally
  • Governors will promote the caring, Christian ethos of the school and the promotion of the school family