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We will prepare the children at St. Michael’s school for life, by giving them the opportunity to fulfil their potential within a happy caring Christian environment, where every individual is valued.

Teaching especially learning is at the heart of this happy caring Christian Community.

Each member of our school community:

  • Is committed to high standards for all
  • Is committed to meeting the needs of pupils as unique individuals
  • Is committed to teamwork, each stakeholder using their gifts and talents to build up the community as a whole.
  • Is committed to ongoing staff development and learning
  • Is committed to improve

We believe in offering as many enriching educational and life experiences for our pupils in order to develop their social, moral, cultural and spiritual development.

“I have come that everyone may have life and have to the full”

John 10.10

Our Mission Statement sums up this school’s endeavour to treat every family and child as an individual. We use tests to pinpoint the starting points for learning and offer interventions and focused teaching sessions for any child who struggles to meet age related expectations. All children follow a broad and balanced curriculum, and staff are continually looking for new and exciting opportunities to widen their learning experiences, capturing their interests and making each day challenging and engaging.

We have three outdoor learning days in autumn, spring and summer, which cover applied science, art, and engagement with our school environment as an inspiration for learning. All pupils are given equal access to our curriculum.

Teaching the basic skills of literacy and numeracy is our first priority. Once these are secure, we encourage pupils to use these skills independently in all aspects of school life. For example, pupils lead meetings, take on leadership roles and liaise with the wider community on a daily basis.

Valuing all God's Children